Gnanam (Wisdom)

Between the two eyebrows and the top of the nose there is a small hole which is one tenth of the hole of a needle. This hole is called the forehead Eye. There is a small tissue covering this hole.

Between the genital organ and the anus there is a region known as Moolatharam or the Basic Place where from secrets semen. This semen is also called as Kundalini Sakthi. This Sakthi is raised up through the small hole in the backbone to the nape. From there it is still further raised up to the Crest in the head. The skull is made of small bits of flat bones which are dovetailed with one another. When this sakthi is taken to the top of the brain by the sacred touch of Gnana Guru combined with subtle intelligence the forehead Eye will be opened.

By Kundalini Gnanam you can develop the will power and increase the energy.

Day by day you will find out the results of good effects of this Gnanam. So this Gnanam only makes you a better man, a divine man, a godly man. It makes you to get full will power.

If f you are blessing them well, it will make them good citizens of the nations also of the world.